Cyber Security Basics

One of our problems is cyber crime – cyber criminals constantly target Ultima and our partners. The solution is you! We empower you to not…

Data Protection Principles

Data protection legislation ensures that we all give data proper respect. Without it, our data could be sold or shared without our permission and who…

Diversity & Inclusion

We want everyone to feel that they belong, and they can be who they truly are. JAM is a place for experts to come together,…

Health & Safety

Ultima’s mission is to stand side by side with businesses to manage the demands and rewards of today’s ‘always-on’ digital world. At the core of…

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

You might think you’re well-acquainted with bribery, but what if the line isn’t so clear? Is expediting a business process with money a bribe? Are…

Anti-Bullying & Harassment

Bullying can have devastating consequences on people’s physical and emotional wellbeing, as well as disrupting personal and career goals.

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest occurs when an employee’s personal or financial interests interfere or appear to interfere with their professional duties and obligations. At Ultima,…

Diversity & Inclusion

We want everyone to feel that they belong, and they can be who they truly are. JAM is a place for experts to come together,…